​How Much Should I Settle for a Car Accident?

10/06/22 | Auto Accidents
​How much should I settle for a car accident? Your recovery should be your priority after a car accident. Full recovery means healing from your injuries and bouncing back from the financial difficulties a car accident can b...Read More

How Long Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Take?

10/03/22 | Motorcycle Accident
​Motorcycle crashes can end in devastation. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcyclists get into more traffic crashes across the country than people who drive cars, trucks, pedestrians, an...Read More

How to Get What You Deserve in a Semi-Truck Accident Settlement

09/25/22 | Personal Injuries, Truck Accidents
Semi-truck accidents are notoriously dangerous, causing an abnormally high risk of death and serious injury. Those involved in a collision with an 18-wheeler should get the settlement they deserve, but how do they do so? Hiri...Read More

South Carolina Street Racing​

09/20/22 | Auto Accidents
South Carolina Street racing might seem like a fun idea to come thrill-seekers, but it’s never as the movies portray it to be. Not only is street racing disruptive, but it also creates an unsafe environment for everyone in ...Read More

Rear-End Collision Injuries​

09/15/22 | Auto Accidents, Personal Injuries
Rear-end collisions frequently happen, usually resulting in extensive injuries and financial losses. You may have legal options if you’ve been in a rear-end collision.​ Continue reading to better understand rear-end colli...Read More

What to Ask a Truck Accident Lawyer

09/10/22 | Personal Injuries, Truck Accidents
​Experiencing a truck accident can change your life and circumstances. It can leave you facing severe physical injuries, financial problems, and much uncertainty about the future. Knowing what to ask a truck accident lawyer...Read More

How Much Will I Get for Pain and Suffering From a Car Accident?

09/05/22 | Auto Accidents
Getting into a car accident is one of the scariest situations a person can find themselves in, and dealing with the aftermath can be overwhelming. The crash may have left you with severe physical injuries, property damage, me...Read More

How Long Does a Car Accident Settlement Take?

09/02/22 | Auto Accidents
Every car accident is different, and there is no way to predict how long a settlement will take to finalize. While you cannot accurately predict how long a settlement will take, you can discuss the specifics of your situation...Read More

​Average Settlement for Car Accident Neck and Back Injuries

08/29/22 | Auto Accidents
Your neck and back are vulnerable areas of your body, and any injury to them can be life-altering. After suffering injuries in a car accident, the person responsible should pay for them. The best way to get the money you need...Read More

South Carolina Cell Phone Law

07/28/22 | Auto Accidents
South Carolina laws prohibit using a cell phone to craft, read, or send text messages while driving. Per the South Carolina Department of Public Safety (DPS): “It is unlawful for a person to use a wireless electronic commun...Read More

Falling Cargo Accidents

07/19/22 | Truck Accidents
At any given time, American roads have many trucks carrying cargo loads of all kinds of groceries, electronics, fuel, other vehicles, baby food, and other essentials consumers need. Those who carry cargo provide an invaluable...Read More

​What Happens After a Deposition in a Car Accident Case?

07/14/22 | Auto Accidents
You may undergo a deposition if you pursue a lawsuit after a car accident. This process occurs during the discovery phase of a lawsuit, which is generally the first phase. The deposition can be a critical juncture in your cas...Read More

When to Hire An Attorney After A Car Accident?

07/05/22 | Auto Accidents
You generally want to hire an attorney as soon as possible following a car accident. There are no benefits in waiting to hire a car accident lawyer. As you’ll see, there are considerable downsides if you don’t get the leg...Read More

​Get Free Legal Advice After a T-bone Truck Accident

06/14/22 | Truck Accidents
Truck accidents have devastating consequences for all victims. A T-bone commercial truck accident, otherwise known as a broadside impact accident, is especially dangerous. Victims who survive these accidents will have years o...Read More

​Nursing Home Improvements Needed to Protect Seniors

06/09/22 | Nursing Home Abuse
Over 1.4 million nursing home residents are currently in over 15,500 nursing homes across the country. All of these facilities receive public funding through Medicare and Medicaid. There are billions of dollars funneling into...Read More

​How Do You Recover From a Motorcycle Accident?

06/07/22 | Motorcycle Accident
A motorcycle accident can happen in an instant. You are strolling along on your bike when people suddenly ask if you are okay. While the medical recovery process relies on your medical team and you, the legal recovery process...Read More

​How Do I Find Lawyers That Don’t Get Paid Unless You Win Near Me?

06/01/22 | Personal Injuries
There are many advertisements for lawyers who offer “no win, no fee” representation, but what does it mean? Essentially a contingency fee claim is one where the attorney does not receive payment until the end of your case...Read More

Why Is Texting and Driving Dangerous?

05/12/22 | Auto Accidents
The rise of cell phones has had some unintentional and sometimes fatal consequences on America’s highways. An unsettling number of traffic casualties are related to driving while distracted, including the use of cell phones...Read More

How Much Money Can a Passenger in a Car Accident Get?

05/04/22 | Auto Accidents
If a car crash hurts you and it was not your fault, you might be wondering if you can recover any money and how much. You also might be wondering how to sue someone or go through insurance. The answers to these inquiries will...Read More

How Do Car Accident Settlements Work?

05/03/22 | Settlements
A car accident settlement may happen when the parties involved in a car crash agree on a settlement amount to cover the costs of injuries and property damage. A victim might accomplish this before trial in a pretrial settlem...Read More

​When to Get an Attorney for a Car Accident

04/14/22 | Personal Injuries
A car accident with another driver is stressful and can significantly affect your life and future. If you were involved in a car crash with a negligent or reckless driver and sustained severe injuries, you shouldn’t be left...Read More

​South Carolina Traffic Laws

04/12/22 | Personal Injuries
Whether you are a South Carolina resident or a visitor, we expect all drivers to follow the state’s traffic laws when driving. All drivers have a responsibility to abide by the state’s traffic laws. One of the mos...Read More

​Health and Safety Issues at Roper Hospital

04/07/22 | Personal Injuries
When you visit a hospital in the Charleston area for a health concern, you expect the medical professionals to provide adequate care. Medical malpractice and patient injuries are all too common in hospitals, however, and rece...Read More

​Distracted Driving vs. Drunk Driving Statistics

04/07/22 | Personal Injuries
At some point, you probably saw an ad campaign, billboard, or commercial about drunk driving. These shocking advertisements want to deter people from getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. Over the years, warnings about ...Read More

​Back Pain From a Car Accident

04/05/22 | Personal Injuries
The human body often cannot absorb the impact of a car accident without damaging muscles, nerves, and ligaments, particularly in your back. Even “minor” back injuries can lead to severe, ongoing and sometimes permanent pa...Read More