06/13/21 | Truck AccidentsHow They Happen, What Dangers Do They Pose, and What Do I Do Next? Highways and interstates across the country see a high degree of big truck traffic every day. Those big trucks help transport cargo across all corners of the ...Read More
How Much Is an Accident Injury Claim Worth?
06/10/21 | Personal InjuriesAfter an accident, one of the first questions that pop into your mind is how you are going to pay for medical bills and a lawyer when you can’t work. When you retain us to handle your personal injury case, you don’t have ...Read More
How Can Lawyers Help After Commercial Truck Accidents?
06/07/21 | Truck AccidentsIf you were in a commercial truck accident, you know how terrifying it can be. Any accident, no matter its size, is an awful and painful experience for everyone involved. But some accidents are far more dangerous than others....Read More
Veterans Affairs Lawsuits: What You Need to Know
05/01/21 | Abuse and NeglectThe VA helps provide vital services to disabled veterans, including those who can no longer care for themselves at home. Many veterans choose a VA nursing home or assisted living facility because it costs less than choosing a...Read More
Professional Guardian Abuse of the Elderly
04/05/21 | Abuse and NeglectGuardianships for the elderly and incapacitated a great help when they work properly. But if a guardianship goes awry, as is portrayed in the Netflix movie I Care a Lot, it can be a nightmare. In some cases, anyone can petiti...Read More
Why Should You Take Neck Injuries Seriously?
03/30/21 | Personal InjuriesPopular culture tends to portray neck injuries as non-serious. More times than we can count, we’ve seen characters in television comedies get laughs by wearing a foam collar that limits mobility and looks silly. Neck braces...Read More
Why Is Speeding Is a Factor in More Than a Quarter of Fatal Accidents?
03/28/21 | Auto AccidentsSpeed limits not only reduce the amount of fuel that a vehicle uses but also save lives. Despite this, the number of lives lost on South Carolina roadways over the previous decade does not appear to have declined in any meani...Read More
When Do Nursing Home Evictions Qualify as Abuse?
03/26/21 | Abuse and NeglectThe decision to place a loved one in a skilled nursing facility is not one that concerned family members take lightly. Whether you have a family member who is aging and can no longer remain at home safely, or your loved one h...Read More
What Is Reckless Driving?
02/28/21 | UncategorizedReckless driving can take many forms, but it generally consists of driving in a manner that ignores others’ safety and the standard rules of the road. Reckless driving can cause a wide variety of injuries. Many people invol...Read More
What Is the Definition of a TBI?
01/20/21 | Brain InjuryTBI is an abbreviation for a traumatic brain injury. The most common type of TBI is a concussion, medically referred to as a mild TBI. Traumatic brain injuries encompass a wide range of injuries people suffer after experienci...Read More
Semi-Truck Accidents
01/15/21 | Truck AccidentsIn the past several years, the number of semi-truck accidents has increased, with a corresponding rise in semi-truck injuries and fatalities. Semi-trucks, or truck tractors and tractor-trailers, have several characteristics t...Read More
The Severity of Road Rash Injuries
10/22/20 | Auto AccidentsMotorcycle accidents often mean the victim is left with road rash. The dictionary definition of road rash is “mild to severe skin abrasion resulting from a fall (as from a bicycle or motorcycle) which usually involves slidi...Read More
Motorcycle Laws Other Motorists Need to Know
10/20/20 | Auto AccidentsSouth Carolina, like every other state, has laws that anyone who operates a motor vehicle must follow. Motorcycle operators must adhere to the rules which pertain specifically to them. They are also required to follow most la...Read More
Rear End Auto Accidents
09/09/20 | Auto AccidentsThe most common type of accident involving a motor vehicle is a rear end collision. Approximately 1.7 million rear end collisions take place in the nation each year. While this type of accident is commonly regarded as a “mi...Read More
Nursing Home Residents Dumped for More-Profitable COVID Patients
09/08/20 | Abuse and NeglectAn elderly man was discovered disheveled and alone on a sidewalk in Koreatown, Los Angeles. The 88-year-old man, suffering from dementia, was dumped at an unapproved boarding house by staff at the nursing home where he had be...Read More
Driver Fatigue
08/04/20 | Auto AccidentsIf you watch the news or go online, you will see hundreds of stories where drivers cause accidents after falling asleep at the wheel. Driver fatigue is dangerous, and in many cases, it takes the lives of innocent victims. If ...Read More
Causes of Car Accidents
08/03/20 | Auto AccidentsMotor vehicle accidents happen every day. According to the South Carolina Department of Public Safety, 142,406 motor vehicle accidents took place across the state in just one recent year. To put that figure into perspective, ...Read More
What to Do After a Car Accident
07/03/20 | Auto AccidentsSeveral Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Legal Rights If you haven’t yet experienced your first accident, perhaps you’re wondering: What am I supposed to do after a car accident? Read on for more information. Before an ...Read More
Truck Driver Fatigue
07/02/20 | Auto AccidentsMore than 15 million commercial trucks travel along U.S. roadways, as truck drivers deliver 70 percent of the nation’s shipped goods each year. While the commercial trucking industry is an important aspect of the nation’s...Read More
Road Rage
06/08/20 | Auto AccidentsThe average American drives thousands of miles each year. More than 90% of working people drive to and from work, with the average commute in the United States reaching a new high of 27.1 minutes. Over a year, that means the ...Read More
How Much to Expect From a Car Accident Settlement
06/06/20 | Auto AccidentsCar travel is an everyday part of life. Unfortunately, so are car accidents, which may leave a victim injured and facing massive bills, lost wages, and an uncertain future. Each year more than 6 million car accidents take pla...Read More
COVID-19 and Nursing Homes
04/15/20 | UncategorizedIn South Carolina, the first death related to COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, was an elderly person residing at a nursing home in Lexington. In early March, the resident was transferred from the nursing home facility to ...Read More
Violent Crime and Uber Drivers:
08/25/19 | Personal InjuriesHow to Stay Safe When Your Ride Arrives Earlier this year, Samantha Josephson, a University of South Carolina student, was allegedly kidnapped and murdered by a man posing as an Uber driver. What began as a fun night out with...Read More
How to Prevent Elder Abuse
08/20/19 | Abuse and NeglectElder abuse is a serious problem. According to the National Council on Aging, about 10 percent of all adults aged 60 and older have experienced some form of elder abuse. However, most researchers agree the actual percentages ...Read More
South Carolina Nursing Homes as Rated by ProPublica and Medicare
07/04/19 | Abuse and NeglectAs the population ages, everyone is at greater risk for chronic illnesses or in need of specialized supervision. The number of South Carolina residents age 85 and older will increase 101 percent from 2012 to 2032. South Carol...Read More