09/15/22 | Auto Accidents, Personal InjuriesRear-end collisions frequently happen, usually resulting in extensive injuries and financial losses. You may have legal options if you’ve been in a rear-end collision. Continue reading to better understand rear-end colli...Read More
What to Ask a Truck Accident Lawyer
09/10/22 | Personal Injuries, Truck AccidentsExperiencing a truck accident can change your life and circumstances. It can leave you facing severe physical injuries, financial problems, and much uncertainty about the future. Knowing what to ask a truck accident lawyer...Read More
How Do I Find Lawyers That Don’t Get Paid Unless You Win Near Me?
06/01/22 | Personal InjuriesThere are many advertisements for lawyers who offer “no win, no fee” representation, but what does it mean? Essentially a contingency fee claim is one where the attorney does not receive payment until the end of your case...Read More
When to Get an Attorney for a Car Accident
04/14/22 | Personal InjuriesA car accident with another driver is stressful and can significantly affect your life and future. If you were involved in a car crash with a negligent or reckless driver and sustained severe injuries, you shouldn’t be left...Read More
South Carolina Traffic Laws
04/12/22 | Personal InjuriesWhether you are a South Carolina resident or a visitor, we expect all drivers to follow the state’s traffic laws when driving. All drivers have a responsibility to abide by the state’s traffic laws. One of the mos...Read More
Health and Safety Issues at Roper Hospital
04/07/22 | Personal InjuriesWhen you visit a hospital in the Charleston area for a health concern, you expect the medical professionals to provide adequate care. Medical malpractice and patient injuries are all too common in hospitals, however, and rece...Read More
Distracted Driving vs. Drunk Driving Statistics
04/07/22 | Personal InjuriesAt some point, you probably saw an ad campaign, billboard, or commercial about drunk driving. These shocking advertisements want to deter people from getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. Over the years, warnings about ...Read More
Back Pain From a Car Accident
04/05/22 | Personal InjuriesThe human body often cannot absorb the impact of a car accident without damaging muscles, nerves, and ligaments, particularly in your back. Even “minor” back injuries can lead to severe, ongoing and sometimes permanent pa...Read More
Which Common Cause of Accidents Causes the Most Collisions?
02/08/22 | Personal InjuriesSerious collisions can occur in the blink of an eye. Most people know some of the more common causes of collisions, including things like distracted driving and speeding. When asked about common causes of collisions or fatal ...Read More
How Are Personal Injury Settlements Paid Out?
02/03/22 | Personal InjuriesA personal injury claim can take a long time to settle. Once you have reached a settlement agreement, you may feel a wave of relief. You can finally get the compensation you need to pay off your ongoing expenses and move forw...Read More
How Can I Prove My Pain and Suffering?
02/02/22 | Personal InjuriesIf someone else’s negligence caused your injuries, you might be entitled to compensation. The at-fault party can reimburse you for pain and suffering beyond your medical bills and surgery costs. Pain and suffering are intan...Read More
Legal Terms: Your Guide to the Language You Might Hear in Your Personal Injury Case
01/19/22 | Personal InjuriesThe law contains confusing and convoluted language. One can think of the law and the world of attorneys as having a different language than the commonly spoken words between laypersons. Sometimes it’s called legalese. S...Read More
How Much Does a Lawyer Cost?
09/04/21 | Personal InjuriesTo most people, hiring a lawyer for a personal injury claim makes sense. Hiring an expert with any complex issue is generally; a good idea and can pay off dividends in many different ways. This is certainly true of having an ...Read More
How Much Is an Accident Injury Claim Worth?
06/10/21 | Personal InjuriesAfter an accident, one of the first questions that pop into your mind is how you are going to pay for medical bills and a lawyer when you can’t work. When you retain us to handle your personal injury case, you don’t have ...Read More
Why Should You Take Neck Injuries Seriously?
03/30/21 | Personal InjuriesPopular culture tends to portray neck injuries as non-serious. More times than we can count, we’ve seen characters in television comedies get laughs by wearing a foam collar that limits mobility and looks silly. Neck braces...Read More
Violent Crime and Uber Drivers:
08/25/19 | Personal InjuriesHow to Stay Safe When Your Ride Arrives Earlier this year, Samantha Josephson, a University of South Carolina student, was allegedly kidnapped and murdered by a man posing as an Uber driver. What began as a fun night out with...Read More
Do You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?
12/18/18 | Personal InjuriesThe question of whether you need a personal injury lawyer after being involved in an accident or suffering an injury is one that is very fact specific, generally to be decided on a case-by-case basis. However, there are som...Read More
Spinal Cord Injury FAQ
02/12/18 | Auto Accidents, Personal InjuriesSpinal cord injuries (SCIs) can terrify their victims, who often go on to face long-term medical issues that may never resolve—or even disabilities that can prevent them from living independently. It is not surprising, ther...Read More
New SC Law Requires Liquor Liability Insurance
07/03/17 | Personal InjuriesIf you are involved in an accident or incident in South Carolina in which alcohol is involved, multiple parties may be held liable and owe you just compensation for your injuries. For instance, imagine a scenario in which a...Read More
GCSO: Caregiver pepper-sprayed, beat vulnerable patients | Local News – WYFF Home
08/22/14 | Abuse and Neglect, Auto Accidents, Personal InjuriesSouth Carolina wrongful death attorney Nathan Hughey has a pending wrongful death claim against SC Mentor arising out of an autistic male eloping from the facility in his underwear and a shirt, which has also been featured in...Read More
South Carolina Jury Awards $50 Million in Car Wreck Death Case
01/17/14 | Abuse and Neglect, Auto Accidents, Personal Injuries, SettlementsA jury in Charleston, South Carolina today awarded $50,000,000.00 in an automobile accident death case. I believe this is the largest verdict in South Carolina history in a personal injury lawsuit. The case involved a wron...Read More
Golf Cart Law and Golf Cart Injuries in South Carolina – Golf Cart Injury Lawyers
12/11/13 | Personal InjuriesSouth Carolina has a huge number of golf carts being operated on our streets. These vehicles are largely dangerous to begin with, as they were never intended to serve as automobiles. Severe injuries, including fractured s...Read More
Negligent Security Lawsuit – Sexual Assault Lawsuit Filed by College Students – Attorney Nathan Hughey
11/04/13 | Abuse and Neglect, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injuries, SettlementsFederal lawsuit filed alleging sexual assault, inadequate security. We have a #premisesliability lawsuit now alleging wrongful death as a result of inadequate security and have handled several others. Four Students File F...Read More
Elderly, At Risk, and Haphazardly Protected – PBS Frontline – Assisted Living Lawyer Nathan Hughey
11/04/13 | Abuse and Neglect, Medical Malpractice, Personal InjuriesElderly, At Risk, and Haphazardly Protected by A.C. Thompson, ProPublica, and Jonathan Jones, Special to ProPublica, Oct. 29, 2013, 10:56 a.m. A version of this story was co-published by “Frontline.” Workers found...Read More
A very inspiring story About Overcoming Odds – Charleston lawyer Nathan Hughey
10/24/13 | Auto Accidents, Personal InjuriesStories like this touch my heart and fuel me with a drive to be the best I can be. Zach Hodskins certainly is doing his part. This post is from SouthCarolina accident attorney Nathan Hughey. It originally appeared in the AJC....Read More